Sunday 2 February 2014

CHANGE: It Started With Me

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
—Maria Robinson

CHANGE. --- A one syllable, six letter word. Easy to say, but difficult to do so.

Lethargic. Disgruntled. Uncertain. Obstructive. Insincere in studying. Mean. Meager. Irresponsible. That was me yesterday. That is how I was.

Upon graduating in high school, I will soon face harder and more difficult conundrums in life. But, still, I have insufficient ability to handle such situations. These thoughts penetrated in my mind. Nonetheless, out of nowhere, a voice in my head spoke loudly and clearly, saying the words, “Discover who you are, show the capabilities that you can, and give every aspect of your uniqueness to the world. This will be your path to an extraordinary life.” These thoughts sunk into the tiniest cell of my brain. I began to be more responsible. Studying became my priority in life. Second are my dreams. And being irresponsible is the last. It is truly that change starts in you. It started with me.

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